Mae Sara

Story of performance

The story started somewhere in a year 1999. Feeling disconected and confused by my EGO identity in society, I started to look for help in ancient rituals and spiritual teachings. I was convinced that Performance-art is equal to shamanic work and can bring powerful heling energy to today's world.
Connection with Earth Connection with Earth
Connection with Earth Connection with Earth
According to ancient rituals of entering deep caves and spending time in dark&solitude – I left the city and disappeared in sewer underground with few bottles of water and rice bread. (My mystical experience of discovering "second city" and changes of consciusness was later published.) Returning back to the "upper world" was enormly strong experience – I felt re-connection with the loving energy of the nature, I almost couldn't speak for a while.

Connection with Earth Connection with Earth
Connection with Earth Connection with Earth
Soon after "cave experience" I walked to the different parts of town with an intention to silence down my ego, which – according to my observations – constantly created obstacles on my way to connection with Universe. By discarding my body to various forgotten places I worked on self-dissolving. I tried to become one with the anonymous street, to be lost in rubbish, disappear in forgotten subway-crossing. Some "higher" spirit led me step by step outside the city.

Connection with Earth Connection with Earth
Connection with Earth Connection with Earth
It works! I started to practise "ego-dissolving" rituals in every occasion and published small book - manual for conscious connection to the planet Earth. I started to distribute the knowleadge and performed for public.

Connection with Earth Connection with Earth
Connection with Earth Connection with Earth
During the time I became more sensitive to the environment. Connection with the Earth became obvious, I made my first "advanced connections". By conscious kissing the ground I was implanting particular energy pattern to the various places with interaction of heart (emotional centre). Later I applied my new skills in interaction with people. Siting behind the dark curtain I was placing the conscious kisses to the anonymous hands of passers-by. I discovered that there are very similar energy principles in interaction with nature and people.

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Mae Sara, aqua

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Mae Sara, aqua

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Mae Sara, aqua